Belo Horizonte is the sixth-largest city in Brazil, and the terrain chosen for the new administrative center of the city of Belo Horizonte is flanked by buildings, monuments and squares that make up important sites for the city’s collective memory. This is an area currently underutilized, but with a great potential for further urbanistic development. Taking into account such constraints, we elevated, or “floated” the architectural complex enough for an almost uninterrupted 360 ° view to be possible. Thus, from the center of the elevated square above the exit of the subway, one can glimpse through a huge new tissue of activities that surround the new project, valuing the connection of the user with the urban environment. The Bus Terminal, the future metropolitan terminal, has gained a framework and an access portal in the form of a covered plaza. In this context, a colonial-era historic building (RISP) receives a great backdrop from the Rio Branco Square to the south, as well as a monumental western setting with a covered plaza next to the access lobby of the smaller tower.